Open Source Code
Workflows, templates and tools to keep you in the flow Command Your Terminal adds AI-powered command-line suggestions directly to your terminal. Just type <TAB><TAB> and it calls an LLM to return the top suggestions for you. Revolutionizing AI-Coding Assistants

GitHub - closedloop-technologies/PromptedGraphs: From Dataset Labeling, Entity Extraction to production Knowledge Graph Deployment: The Power of NLP and LLMs Combined.
From Dataset Labeling, Entity Extraction to production Knowledge Graph Deployment: The Power of NLP and LLMs Combined. - closedloop-technologies/PromptedGraphs
Focusing on the emerging craft of building with AI
Experienced AI Engineers & Entrepreneurs
A Boston-founded but global group of people who love building products and building companies. For AI Engineers and Entrepreneurs who like taking ideas from 0 to 1 using cutting-edge tools and strategies to unlock value for people. Think you’re Smaht? Apply to be a member No cost to join. This
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